Thursday, May 5, 2016

New stove

We use our oven every day because Frederick has a regular diet of (GF) pizza for lunch and (baked) french fries at supper.  And it keeps breaking down.  Last winter it was taking longer and longer to light (it's gas - oddly the burners work in a power cut, which is great, but the oven doesn't, because it has an electric sensor that won't even allow gas to flow unless an electric element is glowing) so Jami grumbled about getting a new stove then.  But me, being of the thrifty sort (on my mother's side) pointed out that you could just have the "igniter" replaced, and they cost about $20.  So we did, and it worked fine... until this winter.  It finally died totally a few weeks ago, so Jami went to Lowe's and picked out a new one, which finally got delivered.  Drumroll:

As I said, Jami picked it out, and her rationale was "it was on sale!"  It's otherwise a much fancier model than we could afford.  The guys who delivered it said they mostly installed them in restaurants and small businesses.  I can report that it makes GF pizza and french fries perfectly!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sometimes you just have to shell out - and it's worth it.
