Monday, March 2, 2015

Thomas Lays it on the Line

Since I am on winter break, I am spending this time doing a massive spring clear out, starting with all those "Things To Do" that have been hanging on me for over 9 years. The first is sort through old photos and various other "memorabilia" that have been shoved into various shoeboxes and then packed away in various closets. While going through it all, I found all sorts of wonderful photos Thomas and Frederick when they were young and chubby. I also found these notes, which I had forgotten about, but now remember Thomas had taped to his door when he was 3 or 4:I don't know what we did wrong (it was probably me), but I am sure Thomas will remember.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Whoever it was yelled at him! Isn't literacy valuable?
