Monday, March 23, 2015

Thomas cuts loose

This is the last concert Thomas has for the orchestra (though he still has the Mega Show: Showcase in April, several percussion performances and a wind concert, I think, but since Thomas only gives us 5 or so hours notice of these things, we really don't know). This was the last number they performed, Conga del Fuego Nuevo by Arturo Marquez. Since I was off to the side, up on the second deck, I had a nice clear view of the percussionists, but the sound quality is a bit off, since I am getting the echo of the instruments stage right. Such is life. Of all the percussion instruments (and there are thousands), Thomas loves playing the marimba the absolute most. I keep begging him to take up steel drums but they just don't grab him. He's already started to ask about moving out to go to university and was very concerned that there would be rules prohibitting students from having marimbas in dorm rooms. (He also wants to take one of our living room chairs and our flatware.)


Unknown said...

Goodness! His head must be so big I must be suffering from British discomfort with exceptional achievement. However, maybe there could be a family contribution which enabled you to keep your own flatware (whatever that is?) and furniture. You've worked out the answer already no doubt.


Jami said...

"Flatware" is just silverware with non-silver finish (so, forks, knives, spoons and such). I have no idea why he wants those things--maybe he just can't imagine how to go about buying them since he only ever shops in the electronics parts of stores.