Saturday, March 21, 2015

We're about to live in a food desert

When we first moved into our house in June '99, the nice little grocery store/supermarket that had been right next door for decades had just vacated (soon to be replaced by Family Video, and you know how that ended).  But never mind, there was still VG's, Farmer Jack's and, if desperate, a rather grotty Kessell (soon re-named Kroger) just down Franklin.  Well, Farmer Jack's was the first to go - the Detroit-based chain, mentioned in many an Elmore Leonard novel, went belly-up.  Then VG's moved out of Flint entirely.  Finally, Kroger is leaving.  We can still drive to get food, but I can't imagine what people who are old and lacking a car are going to do.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sad. Do you still have a farmers market?
