Saturday, June 21, 2014

Festival of flags, day 2

No rain today, which meant all the rides would be running at the Festival. So, we dutifully set out after lunch. The second we arrived, Frederick took Simon to the ferris wheel and they set off.
Here they are, waiting in line. Here is a view of the rest of the rides. Here is that Bear Scrambler Frederick and I went on yesterday. Thanksfully, he wasn't interested in doing that today. Unfortunately, he DID want to revisit the Ski Slopes. I convinced myself that it wouldn't be so bad a second time but it was much, much worse. As Simon said, when I stumbled off, "That lasted about three times as long as it needed to." Going on the Ski Slopes got me out of having to go on any of the other rides. Here Simon and Frederick trudge up the mountain to ride the slides down. Frederick revisited the rope/bridge/slide fort. Here is he, coming down. No wet bottom today. Just can't get enough of the ferris wheel. If only one could live in this cart, everything would be grand.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like joy!
