Thursday, June 26, 2014

A trip to the zoo

Today Simon had another "hot interview" to conduct so Frederick and I had a long, hot and muggy afternoon to kill. After gadding about all yesterday afternoon (shopping at Runyans to feed his hunger for clay supplies--he's a pottery addict since taking a wheel class at the FIA) and then rollerskating at Davison park, he seemed content to stay at home looking at books...until, that is, I asked him if he wanted to go to the zoo. "Yes. Let's go!" he said, hopped up and headed out the door. I didn't think twice about whether or not the zoo would be open today. Why wouldn't it be? It's a weekday in the middle of the summer and the weather was fine. We pulled up to the parking lot attendant at 2:53 and paid the parking fee (twice the usual rate because we don't live in Lansing!). Just as he was stretching out his hand to give me the receipt he said, "If you want to go into the zoo, you need to get to the gates by 3:00." (At that moment, I checked my car's clock to see that it was 2:54.) Ok, I said--and I began to charge off. "BUT--" he stuck his hand out to stop me pulling away. "It's because we are having an event tonight." (pause for big breath) "Normally, the gates are open later." (another pause) "But if you enter by 3:00, you can stay until 5:30." (giant inhale, readying himself for another speech) I waved thanks and peeled away. We got to the gates with 2 minutes to spare. Frederick knows the zoo well and only stops to see his favorites: the otters (which were hiding AGAIN: I have long ago decided that they don't actually exist), the wolves, the tigers and the rhino. But his absolute favorite are the lions. We stopped here and watched the male and two females lounging three times. If there was a comfy chair to sit in near the fence, Frederick would be there still.
I've seen a pony ride exhibit every time I have gone, but there were never any ponies. This time there were two, Jet (a tiny brown one) and Moon, a (relatively) larger pony with a small white crescent mark on her forehead. Apparently only Moon can carry a kid over 100 pounds (and under 125, so we have a few years left). Frederick was very excited about the whole thing. I kept thinking of Thomas (who is, as I type this, in Paris getting geared up to meet his first host family and begin a long series of concerts) when he was Frederick's age: Thomas always wanted to ride ponies, but would never allow himself to do it because he would think he ought not. Fortunately for Frederick, he has no such reservations. Here we are, back with the lions for the third time. After about 90 minutes of circling around the place with a pit stop at the lion den each revolution, the weather suddenly turned hot, humid and heavy. Frederick announced he was ready to go home--but, before we could go to the car, we had to stop and get this picture as we have done every single time we have visited Potter zoo.


Unknown said...

He looks to be a riding natural.


The Cushanderingsons said...

He did seem very much at ease--of course, it was a rather small pony so he wasn't too far off the ground. We'll have to give a Clydesdale a try some time.

Unknown said...

Go for it! He looks like a boy who would love it.
