Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Toboggan Hill

Another day off for Frederick (J. sick) so I thought we'd finally investigate the sledding hill that Tom the Wood Guy has been telling me about.  20 minutes of driving ending at a dead end in the middle of nowhere brought us to this:
 The more observant reader will notice that today is a "closed" day.  But screw that, it just meant that we had virgin slopes (it snowed quite a bit last night) to ourselves (and a couple more carloads pulled up just as we were leaving, so I didn't feel too guilty).  It's not quite the deathrun Tom made it out to be, but it was certainly more intense than our usual slope.

 The trip back up.  Tom had assured me that one climb would be enough to drain any kid's batteries, but Frederick is made of sterner stuff - it took four.
Trying to video the second run didn't quite work.  Without arms to dig into the snow to steer, we quickly lost control.  No, that is not a bad word.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks very exciting - as you say, the boy has stamina!
