Sunday, February 16, 2014

Neither snow nor rain nor heat...

This is a mailbox buried in snow not far from where I am teaching an outreach course to high schoolers. So far, since the semester started January 6th, the high school class has been cancelled 5 times. Next Monday we are scheduled to have class but the high school we are in will be closed, so that won't work. So that will be missed class #6. Then, the week after, both classes will be cancelled. It's been a tedious business trying to keep these kids on track, never mind the CONSTANT interruptions going on during class: announcements from the principals office, national anthems being played, allegiances to flags being pledged, fire drills, lock down security drills (lock door, lights out, and hope that no one shoots you through the shitty cylinder block walls), students getting pulled out of class to deal with family emergencies, phones ringing in class--and I am not talking about a student's phone but the phone built into the wall of the classroom that rings randomly, incessantly...then there is the PERPETUAL furniture shifting/scraping noise from the room above us. Everyone complains about how little high schoolers learn and now I have a clear idea why: they CAN'T learn, no one could, in an institution with that much disruption going on.