Monday, December 9, 2013

First Sled of the Winter

JacQue couldn't work today so I got to stay home with Frederick. He was beside himself with joy when he woke up this morning and saw snow on the ground--staying home from school only made it that much better. He asked to go sledding and I agreed, stunning Simon who was convinced I wouldn't go through with it. We headed out about 10 and even as we loaded the sled into the car Frederick was still convinced that we wouldn't ACTUALLY go sledding. When we pulled into the parking lot of Kearsley Park we were the ONLY people there and, perhaps, for miles in any direction. And it was easy to figure out why: the 16F degree weather coupled with the arctic howling winds made standing on the hilltop unpleasant indeed. That didn't stop Frederick from enjoying himself. Here he squeezes onto his sled. When I pushed him down the hill, he turned and said, "Mommy! Mommy! Say 'Blast Off!'" So I did. After three runs down the hill, I begged Frederick to get back into the car. He pointed to the playground and headed off. King of all he surveys.