Saturday, November 30, 2013

Flint Handmade Craft Fair

Today was the day of the Flint craft fair. I used to sell stuff at it (and actually made decent money) but just do not have the time anymore to make dinner, let alone anything else. But we dutifully braved the cold to check up on the latest productions. As always, Stephanie (of Frankenstitch Productions) has been prolific (after a 1 week hiatus to have a baby, Lola Jane, this summer). I asked Thomas if he wanted to come with us--he used to love to go and has a very sizable collection of Franken Stitch monsters. But he must be getting old as he said he would rather sleep in than see the latest. So, it was us and Frederick. While I talked with Stephanie about this and that (she said that it had started slow but picked up and she had made a fair amount of money), Simon and Frederick took off to explore forbidden parts of the Masonic Temple building which was housing the craft show this year--a huge structure in downtown Flint. Frederick waits for the Board Meeting to start. I have no idea what this room is about. This looks like furniture that used to be in our dean's conference room before it was refurnished. Hmmm. Here is downtown Saginaw Street - the view from the window in the room above. I bought two aliens from Stephanie for a song (I did donate to her all my leftover fleece from the past two year's Halloween costuming efforts). One the way home I asked Frederick if he wanted the orange one or the blue one. He answers, "Yes!" Both are in bed with him now as he sleeps.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nothing like Aliens!
