Sunday, December 22, 2013

Destruction, pt. 2

This happened at 10 AM today.  Now you see it:
...and now you don't:

We have actual footage of it going down taken by Granny with the old tape videorecorder but I have to convert it.  We were both convinced we'd missed it and I was right.  The bang was so deafening it left us all befuddled, but I swear my camera was just slow to react.  It was all very abrupt.  We got as close as we could but downtown was all sealed off (including the entire UM-Flint campus) and with power out, traffic was very cautious.


Unknown said...

Awesome - but why?


The Cushanderingsons said...

Genesee Towers was a relic of a former time. It was half parking and half offices and neither had been needed for decades. It had been vacant since before we arrived in '99 and chunks had started to fall off it. The city had wanted to demolish it for years, but the owner was holding out believing that it was worth millions.