Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Thomas Goes to Driver's Ed

I don't know what is more unbelievable: that Thomas is old enough to start driver's ed classes or the thought that he will soon be behind the wheel of my car. Laws have changed since I got my driver's license: now kids have to take 3 classes over the course of 18 months as well as log in 100 hours of "behind the wheel training" with a licensed driver's ed teacher. It also costs almost $400 to take these classes. I feel both cheated blind and huge relief that someone else will be doing the bulk of the work teaching Thomas to drive. For some reason I don't expect he would take instruction from either Simon or me very readily. His first class was last night (segment 1 of the course requires 24 hours of class time, 12 sessions each 2 hours long) and he was shown the usual films: people decapitated during car crashes, deer exploding on contact with high speed vehicles, ambulances hauling away corpses after a drunk driver went wild through residential area.
Here is the dumpy, mildewy, cigarette-smoke-soaked building Thomas has to take his classes in.
Much of this building is empty (can't imagine why) but if you are interested, you can visit the building's facebook page.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! Sounds like this is the time for the unemployed to get into driver's ed. and make a good living. Good luck to Thomas.
