Saturday, July 27, 2013

Storm at the lake

Although it was cooler today, F. and I still went to the big lake in Seven Lakes park to swim. As usual, I parked the car on the other side of the lake from the beach so we'd get a walk as well. We'd just been in the water ten minutes when the sky filled completely with jet black clouds, thunder rumbled, and everyone (well, by then there were only about three other people in the lake) ran screaming for cover. I didn't really believe that the lake would get hit by lightning and we'd be cooked, but I felt it would look bad if it actually happened, so I said we should get out. We'd just got our dry clothes on when the heavens opened. At this point I rather regretted the car being on the other side of the lake. And by the time we were 1/4 into the walk, I regretted changing out of our swim suits, because we were wetter in our clothes than we had been just out of the lake. To prove it, here's what Frederick looked like: We had to strip off before we got in the car. I kept my boxers on on the off chance I got pulled over. As it was, I felt a bit self-conscious sitting at a stop light in only sopping wet boxers. However, we made it home without arrests.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Some downpour. Frederick certainly looks DRENCHED!
