Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Be afraid - be very afraid!

As mentioned in an earlier post Thomas began the first segment of driver's training. This course met almost every night from 6-8 for three weeks. He also had to go driving 7 times, for two hours each session. The last two driving sessions featured parallel parking and driving onto and off of the freeway over and over all around town. I have let Thomas drive me about to run errands 6 or 7 times and, while he is SLOWLY getting better, he is still far too hesitant and anxious. I keep telling him to "gun it" and to "speed up, otherwise you'll get shot" but that doesn't seem to be helping. This is what he earned for all his troubles (and our $400): Now I have to take him to the Secretary of State (the Department of Motorized Vehicles, DMV, in the rest of the U.S.) along with this green slip, his Social Security card, proof of ID (notarized birth certificate, passport AND school I.D. card) AND two different "official" letters, such as report cards issued by his school, bank statements, paycheck stubs, or health insurance receipts--anything from an official institution addressed to him at this address (which proves, apparently, that he is an official resident of Michigan). After THAT, he will be awarded a temporary driver's permit.

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