Friday, June 22, 2012

Star Wars Cantina

All the double reeds, all bassoons and all oboes, played four pieces together. For each song, one bassoonist got to play a contrabassoon which, apparently, is a real treat/challenge since it is twice as long as a regular bassoon and, therefore, takes twice the air as a regular bassoon to play. Ordinary high school bands and orchestras do not even have contrabassoons in them because they cost so much (about $25,000). Of course professional orchestras feature contrabassoons and Thomas's teacher, Dean, very proudly announced to Thomas about two years ago that he finally splashed out and bought himself his OWN contrabassoon. The amazingness of this announcement was lost on Thomas until Dean then added the fact of the price tag of the typical contrabassoon. Since then, Thomas has had a troubled relationship with contrabassoons--both longing and fearing them. This is the last song in their set and features Thomas on the contrabassoon. I don't know if the experience lived up to his expectations, but somehow I expect that a roadtrip to a storage unit in a distant state in search of a contrabassoon in the not-too-distant future is not a complete impossibility. (It's Simon videoing and, again, I have no idea why he felt the need to show off the sound shells during the middle of the song.  I think he thought they were really something special.)

The original (well, as close as is available on YouTube - it doesn't actually go on for ten hours...)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And again...but sad that we can't really see Thomas.
