Friday, December 31, 2010

New Washer and Dryer

For more than a year Simon and I have been arguing (debating) about whether or not to get a new washer and dryer. The dryer started to go first. Just over a year ago it started making a horrific whining noise when we used it that you could hear even if outside. It was nerve shattering and, considering that there are days that I do 2 or even 3 loads of laundry (and almost always have to use the dryer because it is either below freezing outside or bucketing with rain), the dryer is needed almost every day. Then about six months ago the washing machine started making a horrific 'thunking' noise whenever it was being used, always ended up off balance and then would start "walking." So for each load (and usually two or three times per load) I would have to run downstairs and recenter the load so the pathetic thing could spin the water out without flinging itself across the room. Then about a month ago the dryer knob broke off in my hand and so could no longer be used at all. Finally, unable to put it off any longer, I headed to Home Depot to see what was on sale.

Here are the latest sorts of things--apparently very EUROPEAN!!--front loading washers and dryers! The saleman assured me that those Europeans have been using such things for some time and they really do work PLUS they use less water AND, get this, don't walk about the place. Well, sounds like just what we needed. The only problem was that everyone else was so excited about buying big appliances before Christmas that they couldn't possibly deliver until December 28th--so we had another month without a dryer. Grr. (Here's the solution: very tiny loads that I then hung up in the furnace room with several fans and space heaters going full blast--is it any wonder our electricity bill shot up $200 last month?) And, while Simon was in Boston, the big day finally arrived. Here they are:

Hmm. They really make the rest of the room look icky. I think we should move them up into a better part of the house. The first time I ran them I couldn't hear them do anything and wondered if perhaps them didn't work. The weird part is that I don't set the timers for either--each machine "senses" how long to wash and dry each load.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! They look too dazzling to take dirty washing NEAR.
