Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas...No Longer Morning

Simon and I readied ourselves for being awoken at 5 am to a present opening frenzy but...nothing. Frederick woke up around 7:30 and was quite content to play in his room and listen to Kermit T. Frog songs on his cd player for a while while looking at books and, later, putter around downstairs while we ate breakfast and waited for Thomas to emerge from his lair--which his did, bleary-eyed and confused around 11:30. So present opening didn't begin until almost noon. And, since Frederick carefully examined each toy and book after opening it, it stretched on until about 5 pm. Here is Frederick reading one of his MANY Maisy books.
Thomas opens a TINY box of Legos, the only Lego present of the year, a tiny reminder of his former Lego maniaical self...(That's Martha asleep just near his shoulder, clearly bored with the whole day.)
Thomas gleefully displays some of his Beatles albums. But more were to come..
Here Frederick gets serious about opening up a really big box (which turned out to be a really big stash of fake food which has since been fed to just about every stuffed animal in the house--who knew that frogs would love french fries and strawberry ice cream that much?) If you look closely, you can see that Martha has woken up and is on her way to teach Eunice, who was trying to mind her own business on the table under the fish painting, a lesson. (Martha is just a little bit jealous of the attention that Thomas gives to Eunice.)
And so we survived another Christmas Day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

May have been a slow day - but there were obviously some happy times in it.
