Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A LOT of Catching Up to Do

Our last blog was a month ago. What the hell have we been doing?
1) Summer semester kicked into high gear. Simon taught two courses so was teaching every afternoon for almost 3 hours each day and I taught one course and so was busy teaching all morning Tuesdays and Thursdays. Since I also taught a course during Spring semester (Summer 1 semester everywhere else in the world) I am very, very tired of teaching. Good thing Fall semester--the most wonderful semester of the academic year!--is set to start!
2) Visit from Wisconsin relatives.
3) Thomas's birthday.
4) Icky weather. I don't know what it is about hot, humid weather but everyone in this family slides into low gear, pretty much incapable of accomplishing anything productive or fun when it is 80% humidity and hotter n' hell all night long. I think the whine of the window air conditioners makes me slightly CRAZY.
5) Can't remember anything else, but I am pretty sure we were busy doing something. Probably laundry. I know I haven't cleaned out the 'fridge (even though that has been on my list of Things To Do since winter break in February) because we have a bowl of leftover cranberry sauce in the back of the top shelf from last Christmas break that is stuck so thoroughly we can't get it out.

But the real reason for the lack of bloggin' is the fact that all our home computers are infested with viruses. One is being attended by ITS people (every bit as nerdy as those featured in the show The IT Crowd) as I write this. Finally I installed the appropriate software at my work computer and (giving the appearance of working hard to those outside my office who can hear me typing) am now finally set to blog. So, first things first, an updated picture of the turtles (who now all have names because, believe it or not, they really are marked very differently and even I can tell them apart). Note nifty background pics taken from old gardening magazines ("gardeners' porn" I call them).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I WONDERED where you were. I guess sometimes life is just like that. Good to have you back.
