Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Birthday in Chicago continued...

Look at them! Just LOOK at them--A MILLION Lego clocks set to 12:01! Bwah HAH HAH!
I've lost Thomas in the crowd of crazed Lego maniacs. Here is the Chicago skyline all in Lego. The small "glass" building just at the girl's elbow is the building we are in.
And here is the happy birthday boy with his booty. Now all we have to do is walk the 1.57 miles back to the train station and sit for 6 hours before we get back to Flint. Thomas made it about a mile before he collapsed in exhaustion (it was VERY humid there, but still...) and I ended up carrying the bags for the rest of the way. He got suddenly rejuvenated on the train and attempted to begin building one of the 2,000-odd piece sets on the train floor before I put the kibosh on that plan. He had to be satisfied with the 35-piece robo-police dog set (with the red flame coming out its backside--very disturbing).


Unknown said...

Very happy face.


Jeremy said...

VERY disturbing. And all this obsession with Pokemon. I was never obsessed with anything when I was his age. No sirree