Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Rooftop Antics

Thomas has developed a knack for climbing up sheer surfaces and is here pictured enjoying the view from our garage rooftop. When he was 4, he would climb onto Simon's car roof to play. (Exactly what the appeal of that activity was we never did determine.) Now it is this roof. How long before he is climbing onto the house roof? I give it another three years at most.


Unknown said...

It's being the son of philosophers.

Distance yourself, look and think clearly.

On the ground you are limited by your surroundings. Up there you can look at them dispassionately.


Jami Anderson said...

There is something enormously relaxing in viewing the world from above--until you have negotiate the climb down.

Unknown said...

The really annoying bit is that eventually you do HAVE to come down.


radarfestus said...

Don't hold your breath. Uncle Sturge had to be brought down from the school room by the fire department!

radarfestus said...

I meant the school roof! Now he has gone to the other extreme...scuba diving.