Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Holidays are Over

Every house should have a knitting granny in it--and we no longer have one. How are we going to survive the rest of winter?
After a 7 day visit, cousin Jimmy returned to Wisconsin this morning. And Thomas is left to face the 76 pages of math homework that he did not get done during the semester. Amazingly, he did finish the work (as of 15 minutes ago) and is now all set for the first day of school tomorrow.
And with expressions not dissimilar to Thomas's above, Simon and I face the prospect of teaching tomorrow. (And a fact that I cannot think about too much, is that I am signed up to teach spring semester, summer semester, fall semester and then the winter semester of 2010. The next time I get a break from teaching will be in 17 months--sniff, I am starting to cry.)


Unknown said...

I bet the colours of work will be much less vibrant than the displayed knitting.

Ah well! Spring next and maybe some colour back in the garden. Ours looks like scrubland on Dartmoor at the moment without the dramatic tors. At least we've had a few days of freezing sunshine to gaze at as we nursed our colds - but then we could be preparing to go back to work.......

x M

Jeremy said...

Ugh, I remember work. Can't imagine how I managed to survive it as long as I did. Nowadays I get up when I like and do whatever I like, stopping at intervals to slump on the sofa and read (usually re-read, being lazy by nature) a favourite book.

Today felt the need to do something more energetic so collected a couple more tors. Also nearly got savaged by two ENORMOUS German shepherd dogs when I tried to get information at a farmhouse. Am still trembling. I HATE German shepherds, they should all be fed on rat poison.