Thursday, January 8, 2009

Fish and Various Other Tales

The dark spot up front of the pond is the only opening in the ice for the fish. I think only three remain in there, slipping away from the net every time I get close. Just now, when I took out the compost, I saw two glubbing for air and the minute I looked at them they slipped into the dark waters. Creepy little things. Eventually, I suppose, all but a few inches surrounding the heater will freeze solid and we will be able to catch them then, but until then, they insist on battling the elements.

Last night around 9:00, after Thomas finished playing the piano, he jumped onto my exercise bike and began peddling away like a madman. Thomas has a well-earned reputation of being rather lazy so Simon and I were surprised. I asked him why he was exerting himself at such an hour and he said, "If I am to be a babe magnet, I need to get buff." So true.


Unknown said...

Buff as well as brilliant. Who could resist?


Jeremy said...

Don't know what 'buff' means in an American context. Presumably not 'naked' as in 'in the buff'? The word 'fit' seems to be popular over here, meaning anything you really approve of. (Oddly, it was popular fifty years ago when I was at school, with exactly the same meaning. Children are very conservative.)

I think it's a myth that babe magnets are beautiful. The babes want more than that - you have to be rich, or possibly kind, or have high status so they can show you off to their friends. I remember the other way round, the biggest boy magnet in my schoolyard was also the ugliest girl around. But her personality was volcanic! Needless to say I never got anywhere near her.