Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A.M. Thomas

To say that Thomas is "not a morning person" falls a long way short of capturing just how foul his mood and sluggish his movements are on school day mornings. (Interestingly, he is quite spry and chipper on weekend mornings.) The fact that he will stay up all hours does not help. (Last night he woke us up out of a very deep sleep when he happily skipped to the loo at around 3:30 a.m.) After he dresses and eats, he quickly nips to the couch to rest for a few precious moments before heading to school. Lately, since our house is BITTERLY cold in the morning, Marth has been lying in wait, ready to pounce on him so she can warm her little, old bones on his young flesh. Here she is, desperately nuzzling him, trying to get him to cuddle her a bit. Thomas feigns sleep, hoping she will settle or go away.
Hell bent on getting warm, she quickly tucks up and settles down for a nice bit of cuddle.
Thomas's latest fashion trend: colorful socks. A few weeks ago he announced that he was SICK AND TIRED of white socks--and NO BORING BLACK OR NAVY SOCKS were good enough, either. So I went on a "cool sock hunt" and found these, among others. No more boring socks for Thomas. What next, thrilling jeans?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The pictures don't reflect the reported mood - looks beautiful and tranquil.

Socks. Wow!
