Sunday, November 30, 2008

Winter Activities

I can't stand driving Frederick to school when it is dark, being gone all day and then coming home at night (4 pm) to a dark house--it's depressing. So to combat SAD (seasonal affective disorder--a condition I believed (when young and lively and living in Arizona) was made up by people living up north because they were whiny babies but now I know better) I started putting up yard lights and various illuminated creatures a few years ago.

I made the mistake (when I bought the polar bear two years ago) of telling Thomas that we could add a new animal to the front yard each year. What possessed me to say that? Of course Thomas didn't forget and set to picking out this year's addition.

Here it is. Thomas lovingly arranged the scarf and worries that a squirrel will make off with it sometime when we aren't looking. Foolish fears, you say? You wouldn't think so if you had seen the squirrels savage our soccer ball.

Another winter pastime, making fattening treats. This is peanut brittle not yet brittled. I used to make hard candy when I was a teenager and had nothing but time on my hands. I forgot how long it takes to get the damn stuff up to 300 degrees F --and how friggin' hot 300 degrees F is when you dribble a bit across your thumb when scrambling to pour it out before it hardens in the pan.
Here it is cooling on the porch. (Also a good spot to cool pumpkin pie.)


Unknown said...

Cornucopia of delights! When do you both get to work?


Jami Anderson said...

Never, it would seem. We've had off since last Wednesday (the day before Thanksgiving--the university officially acknowledges that no one will come to school the day before Thanksgiving because they are too busy making food for the holiday--then, of course, we had Thanksgiving off, then the Friday after Thanksgiving. We got geared up to go to school today (no really, we were intending to go) but all schools are closed because of the snow storm we got yesterday. Thomas, who was half asleep the whole drive to school became suddenly alive when he saw the empty parking lot and tell tale absence of tires tracks in the snow and, once home, ran at top speed over to Bryce's. Frederick was also excited about staying home--another day with nonstop mommy and daddy AND Emily?? Woo hoo! I was actually looking forward to a bit of childfree time today...