Tuesday, November 18, 2008


This was two nights ago, when we first got the snow. I had to throw Thomas outside because he didn't want to pry his DS out of his fingers but as you can see, it didn't take him long to remember that he likes playing in snow.
Sweater and hat made by Granny during last year's visit still holding up and getting plenty of use.
This is the temperature right now. Brr. I really don't want to go out and deal with icy roads. Much better to stay home and make sure the fire doesn't go out.
And here is one of eleven of my poor fish that I will have to try and rescue sometime very soon. When the pond gets covered with ice, the leaves and unnameables still rot in the water, but the toxic gases stay under the ice. When I break the ice to let the fish get some oxygen, I am hit with a wave of noxious odors. Ain't mother nature grand?


Unknown said...

Awesome - particularly the woollens!

Glad Thomas comes out occasionally and doesn't leave it all to Frederick.


Unknown said...

Please note - deeply disappointing Christmas presents are chosen to get Thomas out and keep Frederick in.

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