Sunday, November 16, 2008

And So It Begins...

Winter has arrived and, as usual, we aren't ready for it. We haven't raked any of the leaves which are currently being buried under several inches of snow. We haven't cleared space in the garage for our cars (which requires moving the lawn mower--the thing we were planning on using to mulch up the leaves a bit but obviously THAT isn't going to happen--the bikes, the lawn chairs, a loom (let's not stir up that hornet's nest)) so tomorrow we will have to uncover the cars before we rush the kids off to school. What happened to fall? I think I slept through most of it.

And here is Thomas (just a few hours earlier in the day before the clouds let the snow flurries fly) modeling the first new sweater of the year. As usual, he picked out the yarn and determined the stripe specs. I've already begun the next one, which will be all black (groan--so nice to wear, so boring to knit) with a 1 UP mushroom on the front. I've been struggling for weeks on how to do an intarsia pattern while sticking with knitting the raglan pattern in the round and I think I have cracked it. I'm sure everyone will be waiting with bated breath to see how it goes so I will be giving an hourly update on the progress.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Gorgeous sweater and SNOW!! We still have grey skies and drizzle. The summer's been so awful we never got round to sweeping up the leaves either - though lots are still on the trees here.
