Saturday, October 11, 2008

Ready for winter!

As we felt the first nips of Autumn I panicked and got on the 'phone to Walter the hippy wood guy (not as cheap as others, but the wood is always long dead and dried) and ordered SIX cords (I still don't know exactly how much a "cord" is - so I am at his mercy) of wood. And here it is, stacked up by ME at the back of the garage (he parked his truck at the end of our driveway, his large doughy (and yes, I mean doughy not doughty) sons tore themselves away from their GameBoy DSs long enough to load it from the truck into our wheelbarrow, and he ferried it from there up to the garage - a well-oiled wood-unloading machine). Of course, since that day we have had a heatwave. But NEVER MIND. To Winter I say: BRING IT ON.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Brilliant and artistic stacking! Hope you have a bit more autumn before you have to use it.
