Monday, October 27, 2008

More Enjoying But Not Destroying

And now at top speed! Frederick has discovered the thrill of living dangerously.
Here he is demonstrating his posed smile. Of course he can smile hugely when he is reduced to helpless giggles (he is extremely ticklish) but if you ask him to smile, he gets very shy. Since they had school pictures a while ago, the teacher was practicing smiles with the class. I haven't yet seen how his pictures turned out, but am very curious.
A very Huck Finn sort of shot. [Note mud smear acquired since last photo because of a sudden urge to sit down on a muddy path.]
Does it look different upside down?

Look at Fall while you can. Right now we are having a hail storm that is knocking all the leaves off the trees and it will be a barren pre-winter wasteland very soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What glorious trees in the final photograph.

Frederic looks bold and strong - must be all these walks in For Mar with his Daddy.

x Margaret