Monday, September 1, 2008

My cell phone ("mobile") takes crappy pictures

I've had this phone for at least six months (as you can tell from the range of weather depicted) but have only just managed how to work out how to get the photos off it without paying to email each one individually. Turns out it wasn't really worth it, as the post heading indicates. However, the wildlife photos are at least interesting...

This creature was on a flooded path in a big park that Frederick and I like to walk through. Jami thinks it's an escaped pet lobster, but it was only about the size of the width of my hand.

He is indeed.

Mmmm. That's good eatin'.

Frederick climbed up this himself (with a little boost) but was at a loss how to get down. This park is by a lake near us. It's only occasionally closed down because of e coli scares.

Yes it is a fawn, and no it isn't dead. I think it was feigning death so we'd go away.

I looked up this device online - apparently it's used to catch frisbees. I kid you not - we were walking around here once and people showed up to play Frisbee Golf. They had professional grade Frisbees and everything!

This is the other side of the e coli lake, both geographically and thermically. Yes, those are picnic tables embedded out in the ice.

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