Thursday, July 5, 2007

Thomas and Martha Gamecubin'

Although the picture is quite old--note the woolly purple socks I knit (3-ply! would you believe it?!) that he is wearing to keep his toes warm--it still accurately depicts how Thomas spends 83% of his waking hours. (Indeed, as I type this he is upstairs happily playing away on that thing. If he had his way he would play until almost midnight tonight and then start again first thing in the morning, while still in pajamas and not even having eaten breakfast.) And there sits Martha, longing for days LONG gone by when she was the greatest love of his life. But do not be sad for she knows exactly how to switch The Cube off and, so enraged by her costing him all the gains made in the hours upon hours of playtime, he actually plays with her!

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