Friday, February 12, 2021

Our recent walks

We haven't been doing anything much of note, hence no posting recently, but Frederick and I still go for a walk most days, so here are some pics of that (most are duplicated on Instagram, but you can embiggen them more easily here).  You can usually work out how cold it is by what hat/coat Frederick is wearing.  If it's the red coat or grey hat, it's not that brutal.  Fake-fur-trimmed hat or green parka = cold. Fake fur hat UNDER a hood = Jack-London-short-story-esque.

 January 23rd, Holly Recreational Area:

January 24th, Highland Recreation Area (we parked at the entrance for the first time ever to avoid skidding, and thus visited the gatehouse to Edsel Ford's old estate, which was no great shakes):

January 26th - Fresh fall of snow, so we just walked down to the old Pierce Park golf course and round it and back.

February 27th - No Frederick!  It says NO SWIMMING! (Metamora-Hadley)

February 2nd, Seven Lakes:

February 3rd: Walking on the lake at Holly:

February 4th, we drove all the way out to Shiawassee Reserve and had it all to ourselves, bleak and beautiful:

I believe Frederick is standing on a Beaver Dam:

February 5th - this looks like Grand Blanc Commons:

February 6th: Back to Metamora Hadley (probably because it's the safest place to visit when the roads are terrible):

February 7th, a glorious sunny day, so back we go to Holly.  Frederick's boot went through the ice, which was not comforting, as we were out on the lake and I thought it was thick enough:

February 9th, Seven Lakes again:

February 10th, no sun, so bleak again at Holly:

Sometimes it's hard to know which way up the photo goes:

February 11th, Seven Lakes again.  This time we felt sure on the ice because there was somebody out there already, drilling a hole to do ice fishing (not a hobby I'll be taking up):

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