Saturday, February 20, 2021

Frederick gets scoped

Frederick's tum continues to be a worry, as does his periodic weight loss, so we got him referred to a GI specialist who (after Jami took Frederick to see him in the upstairs of the Flint Farmer's Market, of all places) scheduled him for a colonoscopy this Friday.  This, of course, as both his parents could tell him, required a day of "purging" beforehand, where he could only eat gelatine and clear popsicles, while he made frequent trips to the toilet.  Strangely he seemed to find this enjoyable.  Anyway, the day arrived and off we set to Hurley, the place where Frederick was born.  We were allowed to park in the Urgent Care parking lot, despite not being Urgent.


Then we followed signs leading us along endless winding passages until we found the actual place.

Here he is, recovering.  I was all set to post pictures from his scope (imagine something that looks like an orange-lit space-tunnel from Doctor Who) but Jami insisted that was "private".  Your loss.

At any rate, they found nothing wrong, which is good news but a bit mystifying.  One of the nurses diagnosed "being a teenager".  Best part: we got to keep the above blanket.  Apparently they get more donated than they can handle.

This was the very nice (and brilliantly empty) waiting room.

Goodbye Hurley!  You almost killed Jami when she had appendicitis, but we escaped more or less unscathed this time.

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