Saturday, June 20, 2020

Swimming in lakes

Frederick and have been going on long walks every afternoon ever since the shutdown started, and now it's got hot, we combine that with swimming in lakes. Our tactic is that I bring along an inflatable raft, we walk for a while to get hot, then we pack our shirts and sandals into a giant ziploc baggie (you'd be amazed how big they go) and balance it on the raft while we swim. Then we walk for a bit more to dry off and go home. We've done this for years just at Seven Lakes, but we've expanded our geographical range. Here, for example, you see us at a lake at Metamora-Hadley:

This turned out to be a bit silly, because the water was about three foot deep and choked with weeds until we'd got at least a hundred yards out. The water was warm as bathwater. The only thing is, we swim in our hats and sunglasses and it seems to alarm people, as kayakers come over and ask us if we're okay. Today we were swimming in Big Seven Lakes and a lady who was kayaking with her husband paddled over and asked us if we needed anything. "A beer would be nice," I joked. Well, she took me seriously:

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