Thursday, June 18, 2020

Baby Raccoon

This happened back on June 2nd, but I never got round to Blogging it.  Frederick and I went swimming at Holly Recreation Area and went for a walk afterwards to dry off.  I noticed something between the path and the lake that looked like a detached squirrel tail.  Against my better judgment, I poked it and it moved, and two little ears emerged.  It was a baby raccoon.  I thought I'd better leave it alone in case it was just wandering around, but it was still there about fifteen minutes later when we came back along the path, and it looked weak.  So I made the rash decision to take it home and see if we could nurse it back to health.  (I'd seen a dead adult the previous week near that spot and half wondered if that had been its mother.)  We did indeed take it home and tried to get it to eat, but it just wanted to sleep (mainly on Thomas) and sadly died the next day.  RIP Rocky.
Thomas said when I brought him home that I should've been warned against this by Calvin and Hobbes:
...and sadly he was right.

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