Sunday, March 29, 2020

How we live now actually not that different from usual.  I still go into the office.  We can shop whenever we want, go for walks whenever we want.  And the streets are empty - it's great.  That said, our usual walking places are more full than usual, of families getting outside BEFORE THEY KILL EACH OTHER.
 Plenty of parking at the office.
 Half a melon.  Why?
 More parking.
 Thomas deigns to drink the coffee I bought him.
 Surgical gloves scattered in the parking lot of Meijer.  Classy.
 Thomas is training the chickens to nag for food constantly so that they will love him.
 Frederick and I go for a trot round a lake today.
 The wind picked up, but it was still in the low 50s.
A concession to the coronavirus: yellow warning tape round the swings.

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