Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Coronavirus hits home

So: yesterday the first two cases of the COVID-19 coronavirus were reported in Michigan, and today the shit hit the fan.  First Michigan State canceled face-to-face classes for the rest of the semester, and very quickly every other university followed suit, including, finally, U-M.  Right now Thomas is still allowed to stay in his Law School Dorms (probably because the University of Dayton kicked everyone out of their college residences with no warning and the students rioted) but Jami's law school classes are all online, and I have to switch three classes to online.  I was about to give an exam tomorrow, and I'm going to try to sneak round the restrictions (partly because my class is a high school class, and they haven't closed yet, so I'm not going to be forcing them into proximity that they wouldn't be anyway) by taking it in the currently-still-open university library.  Craziness abounds!
[Update: they "talked to their parents" who "weren't comfortable" with me "going against Ann Arbor's directions" so I need a new plan.  Meanwhile Tom Hanks has reported that he's tested positive for the virus, Trump has announced that flights from Europe (except the UK - which is obviously because he wants that sweet post-Brexit trade deal) and the NBA has canceled their season!  Things are escalating fast...]

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