Friday, November 8, 2019

Jami's bad car luck continues

Backstory: Jami had a dentist appointment this morning, so I was going to drop F. off at E.'s.  But Jami finished early and E. started late, so Jami ended up agreeing to drop off.  So I went into work.  Then at about 12:06 I got a text from E. saying she could pick F. up from home.  Sadly Jami was already on the way, and about ten minutes later I got a phone call from a Michigan number that I didn't recognize.  What I normally do with strange numbers is that I either don't answer them at all or I press the little green phone button but don't say anything (that way if it's a robocall, it won't say anything either - they're programmed to wait for you to say something first - and will pretty quickly give up).  This time, however, I could hear breathing on the other end, and long story short, it was Jami, and she'd been in another car accident, this time with F. in the car.  And here is what I found when I drove to help (E. got there first and spirited F. off to a day of relaxation and light neck massage, so he's fine):

Turns out they were sideswiped by a SUV-full of teens pulling out of the Taco Bell at top speed.  One of the teens' parents came over to apologize after showing up to take them home.

And here are both cars being towed away, and the tow guy soaking up whatever fluids flooded out of Jami's car:

To add insult to injury, Jami's phone flew out of the smashed window and is now kaput, and of course it has EVERYTHING (including her schedule) on it. And we haven't even received the insurance money for the Yaris yet...

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