Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Dietary issues

So I got to see my special doctor who had me do excruciatingly embarrassing stool-harvesting so that we could know all about the workings of my grossest innards.  (To be fair, the stool-harvesting wasn't as bad as the previous time I did this, because I only had to do it once (although I managed to knock over the tube that was to hold the sample and spilled most of the red liquid within and had to siphon it back in with an ear-drop-dropper) rather than three times over a week, and the test is now better because it's all DNA-based.)  I already knew my frail old colon can't handle gluten or dairy (and this was sadly confirmed) but now I learn I can't eat EGGS.  I've been LIVING on eggs, partly because we have the chickens and nobody else in the house eats their eggs.  Well eggs and tuna, which I've also been told to cut out (or down to twice a month) because I may already have mercury poisoning as a result (symptoms: hand tremors and forgetfulness).  But the good news is, I can still eat duck eggs in moderation, so I can keep eating my bread.  And also I tested positive for H-pylori, a nasty gut bacteria that could explain various intestinal troubles that have been plaguing me - and there's a pretty effective cure for that.  And I can eat chickpeas, lentils, kidney beans, tomatoes, potatoes no problem.  So we'll see.  If only my dear old mother were here to cook delicious and varied meals for me...  Maybe she could cook up our chickens.

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