Thursday, July 4, 2019

Up to London to meet some old friends

I booked a round trip on the train from Exeter to London, going down on Monday afternoon and coming back Tuesday evening (and it cost more than the flights from Dublin to Exeter and back) to see friends from University, some of which I hadn't seen since 1989.
Exeter St. Davids - a convenient 5 minute walk from Taddyforde. It was designed by Brunel, you know.
Turns out I got on the wrong train at first, so I had to change at Taunton.  Oops.  It hasn't changed since I were a nipper.  I remember getting off here when we first came up from London when I was 6.
Finally made it to the part of Lewisham where Philip and Emma and Jane live a few yards from each other.  Note anti-obesity campaign that Jane gave a lukewarm review to when asked.
Philip, Emma, Jane, all in P & E's dining room.  I am extremely envious of their nice houses.
 Now it's the next day (Tuesday).  I spent the night at P & E's and somehow managed to bust their shower.  Philip is very forgiving and as you see, all excited for the boat trip on the Thames he has planned for us.  Will he get to see...  Greenwich!?  (Spoiler: yes.)
 Jane and Philip trying to give some idea of the size of the shard and failing because I wasn't prepared to lie on the pavement to take the photo.  Although I should've - this isn't the dog-shit-spattered London of my youthful memories, it's like London By Disney.
 See what I mean?
 A view of the Walkie-Talkie.  (Don't get Grandpa started on that one, but I like it.)
 More giant glass buildings that weren't there when I were a lad.  Or even when I last visited.  We are now on the Thames, as you might gather.
 Jane and Big Ben.
 This was in the Tate Modern.  Philip is heroically helping me carry my luggage.  (Quit whining, it's just some clothes.)
 The view from the top of the Tate Modern.  Jane is solely interested in snooping on the people in the fancy flats.

 And here's Anabel!  The PPE crew have reunited!
 Tower bridge.  Anabel is probably telling Jane how boring the Law is.
 Dim Sum for lunch.  Yummy!
 Me too!
Borough Market, for some coffee and dessert.
 Here we are.  Has it really been 30 years?  (Spoiler: yes.  Yes it has.)  Thanks to the walk on Dartmoor with Grandpa I am Mr. Lobster.
 More in Borough Market.  Very fancy.
Finally Anabel had to go home to her family and Jane and Philip and I get on the Bakerloo line to go our respective ways.  Let's do it again in less than 30 years next time.

Footnote: this is the London of my youth, specifically kindergarten in Chiswick, before London got all tarted up.  See if you can spot me.

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