Thursday, July 18, 2019

Film review: T-Men (1947)

Make this a quickie, because this was probably a step below B in terms of plot and dialogue, although I would argue that some of the acting was pretty good and the cinematography was occasionally excellent.  It's about two treasury department agents going undercover in Detroit and Los Angeles (hey, like us!  All it needed was Little Rock) to bust open a counterfeiting ring.  One of them doesn't make it, and it's because he's outed by a friend of his wife's, so that's pretty harsh.  There's also a tubby little guy called "The Schemer" who likes to chew Chinese herbs and whose predilection for Turkish Baths proves to be his undoing.  The main actor is a likeable lug called Dennis O'Keefe (playing a character called Dennis O'Brien - what a stretch) and in a minor role is actress Jane Randolph, whom I remember from one of the greatest scenes in the history of horror.  Oh, and another one just as good.  Back to T-Men, though: there are some fairly effective set pieces, but overall less than the sum of its parts. Give this one a miss.

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