Saturday, September 29, 2018

The Perfect Kitchen!

We've been thinking about this for years: making more kitchen surface space available by removing the fridge from the kitchen and getting under-counter units installed.  Well, we did the first part a few weeks ago and have been trecking up and down the basement stairs to the fridge in the basement every time we wanted something to eat.  (It's been quite slimming both from the exercise and the fact that it discouraged us from wanting to eat, given the fuss involved.)  But the day finally came (yesterday) when we got the under-counter units delivered and our invaluable handywoman Connie installed them today!

Shame there's no person who's super-keen on cooking and likes plenty of workspace coming to visit us this year...
Oh, we also got a new thermostat.  If I work out how to use it, we should be able to control our house temperature FROM OUR PHONES.  What an age we live in.

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