Sunday, September 17, 2017

Summer eases into Fall

 Here's one from a week or two ago.  This is above the riverview walk in Flushing.
 Here we are back on the walk, and what once was one clever little gnome door that perfectly converted a knothole into a hobbit house, there have proliferated dozens of these crafty crapfests.
 I'm pretty sure that's a basilisk from a Harry Potter Lego set.
 And this is yesterday.  It was a weird summer and we didn't swim in Seven Lakes more than a couple of times, but yesterday was the third.  Frederick was not very energetic, though (legs hung limply as I dragged the water ring with the giant ziplock baggie of our clothes on it).
Evidence of the leaves changing.  I didn't take any pictures of us on the lake or at the beach on the other side because I forgot the waterproof camera in the car.  So I hastily ran back and took these.  It was chilly for a while in early September, but it's been warm and humid the past week or so.  Side effects of Hurricane Harvey or Irma?  I should really be buying/collecting wood right now, but I'm never one to get ahead of the game...

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