Sunday, September 3, 2017

Moving Thomas into his room

The process for moving a student into a room is complicated, and a bit like those puzzles that you have to slide the pieces all around before you can slot them into the right order. The main challenge is that you have a carload of precious cargo (well, precious to one person at least) but no place to park the car near the dorm room, you have to get checked in and given a room key before you are allowed to do anything, and you need something to carry all that crap up and down 7 floors.

Since there is no parking lot near Thomas's dorm building, I parked in the lot across from my hotel and we walked over to the building, about 3 short blocks away. Once there, we got Thomas checked in: he needed a photo id card made and he was able to check out a giant cardboard open top box on wheels. I left him there, trying to get that beast into the elevator and down the handicap access ramp to the sidewalk, while I went back to get the car. (No worries: I kept the parking ticket and was able to move the car in and out of the lot as much as I wanted to up to 7 pm--the only difficulty is that the spaces are so damned tiny it was a major stress out. Hence the joy when I was repeatedly able to snag a spot that I could pull forward out of.) So, I brought the car back to his dorm and pulled up to the sidewalk. We filled the box with about half his things. So I drove off (it's a loading zone and I couldn't stay there) and went back to the same lot I paid for, and checked into my hotel (as mentioned previously). By then Thomas was done, and I went back to drop off the second load, again filling the box. And again I went back to park the car. Then I walked back to Thomas's dorm. He seemed surprised that I returned. Perhaps he thought I was going back to Flint? He seemed very surprised when I asked him to let me into his room so I could see it. Here is Thomas in his room.

It's a huge space occupied by 6 kids, 5 other boys and Thomas. There are three bedrooms, with two kids in each, and they share the rest of the apartment. Here is a peek into the kitchen and one of the roommates getting a snack.

Here is about half of the very nice living room--nice windows.  I'm sitting at the dining room table.
I didn't see the bathroom but I am sure it's the usual sort of thing.  Here is Thomas setting up his desk.  I put his things away in the kitchen.  I saw a lot of paper plates, ziplock baggies and soda.  I did not see any baking supplies or cooking materials (no oil, no spices).  I expect it's going to be a lot of cereal, toast and microwave dinners.....
After we got everything out of  boxes and more or less in the right area, I offered to take Thomas to Target.  My intention was to set him up nicely with lots of cooking supplies, as well as snack stuff.  Apparently we have different ideas of what it is to set up a kitchen as he planned to take a box of cheerios and milk only.  He seemed genuinely bewildered when I suggested pasta, sauce, yogurt, bread, butter, cheese, peanut butter and jelly, salad, dressing, and so on.  He begrudgingly allowed me to buy a loaf of bread, but that was it.  When I asked what his meal plans were he said, "Don't worry about it."  Which did not, amazingly enough, reassure me AT ALL.

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