Friday, August 25, 2017

Chunnel II

Some time ago I mentioned that I had moved a back breaking number of granite stones from about the yard into one small area, to serve as a waterfall break. Because our roof is oddly angled and because the gutters are useless (they are about 12" too narrow given the torrential rains we get here) three small areas of our yard get pounded by rain, the topsoil erodes, and then the water washes toward the house and into our basement. Sick unto death of vacuuming up water our of our basement, I decided that landscaping was the answer. I made Chunnel 1 and it was an instant success. I have planted hostas all around it and they are doing well (when they aren't being eaten by ducks). Here is the second problem area of our roof, a point where about 1/3 of all the water landing on our roof runs out of that gutter onto the ground.

And here is the solution.
The small plants are "micro greens" because I didn't have anything else laying around that would sprout quickly and set roots in to keep the soil and rocks in place. (I don't seriously think the rocks are going anywhere, but it is better to have greenery keeping things in place than not.) Next year I will plant irises in the spaces as they can take a lot of abuse. Chunnel III (next to our side door by the driveway) is next.

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