Saturday, November 12, 2016

So. That happened.

Thought I should mention the elephant in the room: The Election Results.  In a staggering upset, Trump won the majority of the electoral college (he didn't get the most votes, of course, but only somebody who thought a democracy required the winner to get more votes than his opponent would quibble about that) and will be THE MOST POWERFUL MAN IN THE WORLD.  This is, apparently, not some kind of fever dream.  Riots and protests are happening in large cities, while everywhere the number of aggressive acts against minorities and women has exploded.  In Royal Oak, for example, a fairly prosperous suburb of Detroit, a middle school classroom was video'd gleefully chanting "Build the Wall!" while the few Hispanic children in the class cried openly.  And then, Leonard Cohen died.  He did manage to put out his final album mere weeks before.  It's called "You Want It Darker".  Maybe he knew.  Anyway, a fitting anthem for our times:

Saturday Night Live made the connection. That last verse...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So dark it is a nightmare.
