Wednesday, November 2, 2016

A closer look at the duck food thief

I moved the duck food dish closer to the house, but it hasn't deterred him/her/it.  In fact, the little bugger was inside our screened-in porch this morning!  Insatiable.


Unknown said...

If indeed it is a gopher, I read they have enormous "cheek pouches" (like hamsters) and stuff them full of food to take back to their larder. (Apparently there really is a category of animals called "larder hoarders" and gophers are in that category. I'm sure it also applies to some humans.)

Unknown said...

Hope it doesn't move in.


XYoshiAipomX said...

Looks more like a groundhog to me

The Cushanderingsons said...

Hmm, you could be right, strangely-named commentator.

Unknown said...

I've never met a gopher or XYoshiAipomX
