Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Down in the Trumps?

Okay, so the current election cycle in the US is, well, terrifying.  But I want to reassure our non-US reader(s) of one thing: there are plenty of people terrified over here, too.  In fact, if you want some reassurance, read this.  And also, you have to know that Donald Trump is being widely, and savagely mocked.  See for instance this classic from a few weeks ago:

Okay, you say, but John Oliver's English - that doesn't count. Well, but he's on an American channel (HBO) and employs an entirely American staff. But all right, how about the following, from the great Stephen Colbert:

Or how about this, from the also great Samantha Bee (like Colbert AND Oliver, an alumnus of the Daily Show):

Of course, that's also a bit scary, because you see non-Neanderthals who actually seem to think voting for Trump might be a good idea. So cleanse your palette with this call to arms from the slightly smarmy but still effective Seth Meyers:

And all of those four were all from just last night! (As was this, from the current, lesser version of the Daily Show.)  So there's a steady stream of constant mockery. So cheer up, rest-of-the-world. And read this again.

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