Friday, March 25, 2016

Bon Voyage, Thomas!

Thomas is gearing up for his last trip with the Flint Youth Symphony Orchestra, and this time they are going to France. (More details on exact locations will have to wait until they return.) Before they leave, they had a concert in The Whiting to reveal their latest works, which will be performed with conservatory students there. The first three pieces here are all from Holst's The Planets. Here is Mars, God of War:
Now comes Saturn:
And here is Jupiter:
And now for a few crowd pleasers. Here is a medley from the movie "How to Train Your Dragon:
Here Thomas shows off his rad bongo skillz on Cuban Overture by Gershwin:
And here is most (the video camera--and the back up I brought along) died about half way through) of Star Wars Saga:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very impressive. I enjoyed the Jupiter best.
