Monday, February 8, 2016

Water Sampling

As posted earlier, a bottle for collecting a water sample was dropped off at our house a while ago. Finally, yesterday, I got around to filling it up and this morning I dropped it off at the water department office. By now, everyone is familiar with the water tower image that has graced pretty much every single newspaper in the world. Here is the rest of the place. Here is the door to the office. Two women (both wearing full head covering) were, as far as I could tell, the only people working in the place. One was swamped with phone calls and the other swamped with checking in and cataloging water sample bottles. Here is the side of the main building with a lot of doors, each with a sign that informs the public that they are not to enter there. A dumpy building surrounded with giant chunks of rusting metal. I was given a card with an EPA hotline and told that I can check there for results in a week or so ("Just look for your address.") The Flint Water Department is also required to mail us results with explanations but she didn't expect that to happen for 4 to 6 weeks. Stay tuned for the low down on our water.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So - they are not going overboard in responding to public concern! Proving the Flint headline?