Monday, February 29, 2016

Trying out new looks

 As you can see, I have been allowing foliage to flourish on my chin, it being chilly and all.
 Here's a closer look.  You can't see the weird asymmetry of white hairs, though, which is perhaps fortunate.  Anyway, like dear old Dad, I have very wiry hair, and GOD does it get itchy.  I finally couldn't bear it and it had to go.  (The worst part is where it over-hangs the upper lip so that you can actually bite it, and if you trim it it looks as if your lips have been badly photoshopped on top of the beard.)  But I thought, why not see if there was some as-yet-untried facial hair variant that was "me" while I'm about it.  So:
 "The Lemmy" (may he Rest In Peace).
 "The Village People" (Person?)
 "The Victorian"/"The Used-Record-Store-Employee."
"The Middle-Aged Tribble."


Unknown said...

Impressive but not an improvement. I loved it without the whiskers. They look aggressive - like ladies flashing too much flesh. That's too much hair on a lovely and particular face. Next thing we know you'll have a gun and be holing up with some like-minded hairy chaps in a beauty spot and challenging every other male to join you. Does this mean a vote for Trump? xM

The Cushanderingsons said...

Calm down! I don't think facial hair is a good indicator of political leanings. Besides, I'm clean-shaven (well, stubbly) now. You would have to shave my brain itself to get me to be a Trump fan.

Unknown said...

O.K. I'm overreacting, but the USA looks very strange from here. And you look very different with all that hair. Cheap link I made. xM